
Complete telescopes with achromatic refractor objective (Doublet type) and various mounting options.
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Nice beginner refractor for planets and moon on sturdy EXOS2 GOTO mount.
4" f/9.8 Refractor including EXOS 1 Mount for Beginner.
Nice Beginner Refractor Telescope for Planets and Moon on sturdy EXOS 2 Mount.
5" f/9.4 refractor for planets and moon on EXOS2 GOTO mount.
5" f/8 refractor for planets and moon on EXOS 2 Mount.
Fast 5" refractor with approved color correction on sturdy EXOS2 GOTO mount.
Powerful and fast refractor with better color correction including EXOS 1 mount.
6" f/7.9 refractor for the planetary observer on EXOS2 GOTO mount.
The largest refractor from the Bresser Messier series, for planetary observer and moon on EXOS 2 mount.
Fast 6" refractor with approved color correction on EXOS2 GOTO mount.
Powerful, fast 6" refractor with aproved color correction on EXOS 2 mount.