BaK-4 Prisms with Phase and Dielectric Coatings: Increased light transmission through the prism system for brighter images. Increased contrast and resolution.
Magnesium Alloy Body: Lightweight, durable frame that will last a lifetime and handle use in the field.
6.5' Close Focus: Detailed, up close observation of subject in close proximity
Fully Multi-Coated Optics: delivers crisp, high contrast images with accurate color reproduction.
Wide Field of View: The larger viewing area allows the subject to quickly acquire subject and move within the viewing area without constant movement of the binocular.
Metal Multi-Stop Twist Up Eyecups: More durable eyecups that provide multiple stops for correct positioning for the users eyes.
Tripod Adaptable
350.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days (as from Availability)
Availability acc. to manufacturer : 15 September 2024