New products

The SmartEye seamlessly combines the traditional joy of visual eyepiece observation with the unparalleled light-gathering capabilities of state-of-the-art sensor technology. This dual-purpose device serves as both an electronic eyepiece and a cooled CMOS camera compatible with ASCOM Alpaca.

Technical details:

  • M54 thread compatible with standard 2-inch nosepiece adapter (included).
  • Sony IMX533 Color CMOS sensor, offering high-resolution imaging capabilities.
  • Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) unit, achieving cooling down to 30°C below ambient temperature.
  • Ultra High Definition Display for crisp and clear visualization of objects.
  • Wide 90° field of view, providing expansive coverage for detailed observation.
  • Diopter adjustment range from +1D to -5D, catering to various visual acuity needs.
  • Dual-band WiFi support (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz 802.11 b/g/n/ac).
  • Bluetooth 5 with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) support.
  • Integrated SD Card Reader for convenient local storage of captured images.
  • USB-C Power-in port for versatile power supply options.
1599.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days (as from Availability)
Availability acc. to manufacturer :
27 February 2025

ATR432C features a resolution of 1600x1100 pixels, 9 ?m pixels and a 1.1-inch optical format.It offers support for high frame rate mode(109FPS at all Pixel Readout 12 bit),and has a readout noise level as low as 2.4e. Additionally ,the camera have an excellent TEC cooling system maintains precise temperature control within a deviation of 0.1?, while the dew prevention heater (window heating) further enhances performance.

1629.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 2-4 weeks

ATR432C features a resolution of 1600x1100 pixels, 9 ?m pixels and a 1.1-inch optical format.It offers support for high frame rate mode(109FPS at all Pixel Readout 12 bit),and has a readout noise level as low as 2.4e. Additionally ,the camera have an excellent TEC cooling system maintains precise temperature control within a deviation of 0.1?, while the dew prevention heater (window heating) further enhances performance.

1629.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 2-4 weeks

Mit ein wenig Übung können Sie mit ihrem Seestar S30 mit der Spike Maske wunderschöne Bilder mit Newton-Spikes aufnehmen. Tauschutz und Staubschutzkappe sind mit dabei.

24.90 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days

With a little practice, you can take beautiful pictures with Newtonian spikes using the spike mask.

  • Attach the mask to the telescope and align it with the object to be photographed.
  • Get the classic spikes of a Newtonian telescope in Live View.
  • The spike becomes more clearly visible during the exposures.
12.90 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days

Diese Taukappe passt zum Seestar S30 von ZWO.

14.90 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days

Mit der Astroprints Staubschutzkappe schützen Sie das Objektiv des SeeStar S30 von ZWO

  • passend für ZWO SeeStar S30
  • aus robustem PETG
9.90 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 days

Vollautomatisches GoTo Teleskop für Astrofotografie mit eingebauter Kamera - noch nie war die Fotografie des Sternhimmels so einfach

  • Triplet-APO-Objektiv mit 30 mm Blende und 150 mm Brennweite für farbreine Bilder
  • Sony IMX662 Farbsensor mit 6,45 mm Diagonale und hoher Auflösung durch 2,9 µm Pixel - 2,10 Megapixel
  • Größerer Bildwinkel als Seestar S50, zusätzlich Weitwinkelsystem mit mehr als 9-fachem Bildfelddurchmesser
  • WiFi- und Bluetooth-Steuerung per Smartphone- oder Tablet-App
  • Drei Aufnahmemodi: Objekte des Sonnensystems, Deep Sky Objekte, Landschaft
  • Empfehlungen für Objekte, die in der jeweiligen Nacht sichtbar sind, kombiniert mit einem schnellen Setup, damit Sie Ihre wertvolle Zeit für die Beobachtung nutzen können.
  • Wählen Sie eines der über 4000 Objekte aus, warten Sie, bis das Teleskop es gefunden hat, und beginnen Sie mit der Aufnahme.
  • Drei fest eingebaute Filter: UV/IR-Blockfilter für alle Objekte, Duo-Bandfilter zur Kontrastverstärkung für alle Gasnebel, Dunkelfilter zur Kalibrierung.
  • One-Touch-Aufnahmen von Sonne, Mond, Planeten, Galaxien, Nebeln und Sternhaufen
  • Smarter Mosaik Photografie - zeitsparend und mühelos (nimmt automatisch den ausgewählten Bereich auf)
  • Magnetisch haftender Frontsonnenfilter zur Beobachtung unseres "Haussterns
  • Sensoren zur Stativ-Nivellierung per App
  • Geringer Stromverbrauch für lange Akkulaufzeit (4 Stunden Videomodus, bis zu 6 Stunden allgemein)
  • Autofokus für scharfe und kontrastreiche Bilder
  • KI-Rauschunterdrückung für glattere und schönere Bilder
  • Mit 1.8 Kg Gewicht leicht zu transportieren
599.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days (as from Availability)
Availability acc. to manufacturer :
31 March 2025

With this adapter, you can precisely set the correct backfocus without the tedious experimentation with tuning rings.

  • Simplifies setting the correct backfocus. M54x0.75 female thread on the telescope side
  • M48x0.75 male thread on camera side optical length continuously
  • adjustable from 16 to 20 mm
169.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-4 days
Askar Focal Plane Adjuster - Tilting Adapter with 18 mm length

The adapter corrects a tilted image field and improves the sharpness of the image at the edge for astrophotography.

  • Connection telescope side - M54x0.75 and M48x0.75 (with adapter) - female thread Connection camera side - M48x0.75 male thread
  • Overall length of the adapter is 18 mm (without external thread)
  • Simple operation without knurled screws and reliable clamping
  • The 18 mm optical path is maintained even when tilting
  • The adapter is light-tight
  • The adapter is also suitable for narrow-band solar photography to prevent interference
220.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 3-4 weeks
Der Schenkelkopf für Stative UNI des Astronomiebereichs erlaubt eine leichtgängige Höhenverstellung von Lasten bis 50 kg. Durch die Getriebemittelsäule (Ø 70 mm) lassen sich Montierungen oder Großferngläser leicht und sicher in der Höhe (35 cm) anpassen.
1495.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 2-3 days
ZWO CAA Camera Angle Adjuster Electronic Rotator

The motorized 360° rotator enables the optimal camera position to the object - also ideal for remote astrophotography

Thread telescope side - M54x0.75 Thread camera side - M54x0.75 and M48x0.75 Overall length - 16.5 mm Weight only 465 grams supported by ASI Air, ASI Studio and ASCOM
419.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 4-8 weeks (as from Availability)
Availability acc. to manufacturer :
19 February 2025

This filter was developed to suppress light pollution for colour and monochrome cameras and offers more balanced RGB colours.

  • ltair TRI-RGB is great for broadband objects such as mixed emission / reflection nebulae, comets, dust clouds and galaxies, but it also allows the major emission nebulae lines through. It covers both broadband AND narrowband targets.
  • TRI-RGB complements the Altair TriBand and DualBand filters by adding star colours.
  • TRI-RGB and works with fast or slow focal ratio telescopes and camera lenses. 
  • TRI-RGB is not only for light pollution control. It works very well under dark skies too by enhancing colour purity, airglow and reducing channel crossover in colour CMOS and DSLR cameras.
  • Although primarily intended for colour cameras, TRI-RGB can be used for a cleaner luminance channel with a mono camera. 
  • High transmission peaks with steep sides enhance contrast, together with almost total suppression of unwanted light, at OD4/5 (0.01%~0.001%) over the majority of unwanted visual wavelengths.
279.00 € 259.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-2 weeks
This is the filter for imaging in moonlight or light pollution with a colour CMOS camera - or even in dark-sky conditions if you want total isolation and control over your channels, narrowband-style.

Altair DualBand 6nm ULTRA Filter Features:

  • Capture two main emission nebulae bands at the same time, per filter, whilst suppressing light pollution, moonlight, and airglow.
  • Acquire more data in less time, opening up your imaging window, even into the summer months when it isn't quite dark.
  • If you have the 6nm Sii Oiii Ultra filter and the Ha Oiii filter combo, you can capture twice the Oiii data in each imaging session and combine them for true SHO Hubble style imaging with a colour camera!
  • Extremely steep bandpass yields maximum contrast in extreme light pollution: 6nm FHWM centred on 500.7nm Oiii wavelength, 5.5nm FHWM centred on the Sii and Ha wavelengths.
  • Can be used with One Shot Colour (OSC) CMOS or mono astronomical cameras for luminance data.
  • Includes UVIR blocking for both modified and un-modified DSLR cameras, plus an anti-reflection coating for the ultimate in contrast.
  • Best performance at focal ratios at F4.8 or slower, however can be used as fast as F3.6, with minimal contrast impact (conservative estimate - faster may be possible). Like any dichroic filter, contrast increases as focal ratio number increases. More info about light pollution filter performance and focal ratio here.
  • Available in 1.25" or 2" standard astronomy filter sizes. The filters have standard Astronomy compatible filter threads, and fit inside the Altair Magnetic Filter holders (with appropriate slider), and standard astronomy filter wheels. Choose the 2" version for use with the Altair Canon / Nikon DSLR lens to astro CMOS adaptors. For Hypercam 183C and 533C or 533M, 585C and smaller sensors choose the 1.25" filter. For larger sensors choose the 2" version.
619.00 € 599.00 €
Estimated delivery time : 1-2 weeks