Accessories for CCD / CMOS Cameras
Everything you need for adaptation, preparation, equipment and light path adjustment for electronic astrophotography can be found here.
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Spacers (2mm, 1mm, 0.5mm) in order to increase the optical path between CCD camera and CTU by G. Neumann
ALCCD Filterwheel for 5 x 2" Filter with Motor.
This filter slider holds a mounted 1.25" filter and fits into the Altair version 2 magnetic filter holders.
Altair 2" Adapter für GPCam CMOS Kameras
This filter slider holds a mounted 2" filter and fits into the Altair version 2 magnetic filter holders.
Filter change in a few seconds without removing the camera, ideal for astrophotography - the filter holder is the compact and lightweight alternative to the filter wheel.
Whether youre doing planetary visual observing, planetary imaging, or deep sky imaging, the Bahtinov Mask is a great accessory to get the best focus ...
Attach your Altair Hypercam camera to a Canon EOS photographic lens for wide-field astrophotography
Attach your Altair Hypercam camera to a Canon EOS photographic lens for wide-field astrophotography
Connects an Altair Hypercam PRO Fan Cooled camera to an existing Hypercam Canon EOS lens adapter
Connects an Altair Hypercam PRO TEC Cooled camera to an existing Hypercam Nikon lens adapter
Altair GPCAM & Hypercam 0.5x Reducer - Auto Guiding EAA Video Astronomy Solar